Would you like to explore Špilberk on your own? Investigate its exteriors?
Decipher the passwords and reveal five chapters of a story that has defined the castle´s destiny. You´ll find out how Špilberk has changed and about its use during the course of more than seven centuries of this Brno´s landmark.
Discover the code to a chest hidden at the castle´s ticket office.
Information about the game
The detective game takes place in the exteriors of the špilberk castle.
It´s suitable for players of 14+ years of age, small groups and individuals. Expected duration approx. 90 minutes
Game card is available at the castle´s ticket office. (Opening hours)
Would you like to experience more?
Curious to know more while playing the game or later at home? Both is possible:
There are QR codes situated at every game point providing more interesting details. You just need a mobile internet connection. However, the choice is yours. You don´t need to use the qr codes to play the game.
Have you played the game without making use of the qr codes? Click on the bonus material to each game point! Have you seen our digital reconstruction or unique comparative photographs?
Edukační tým
Pokladna - Špilberk e-shop